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King's Ministries palvelutiimi

King's Ministries palvelutiimi

Caro Keinänen ja Maarit Savikko laulavat ja soittavat King's Praise - ylistysryhmässä, joka palvelee myös muissa kuin King's Ministries tilaisuuksissa, mm. Tv7 Rukous Suomen puolesta - ohjelmissa. Carolla on psalmistan armoitus, ja hän on saanut useita lauluja, jopa suoraan eri tilaisuuksissa, Herralta. 

Caro palvelee lisäksi profeetan voitelussa, lähinnä Herran antamien näkyjen ja hengellisen ymmärryksen kautta. Maarit palvelee näkyjen ja viisauden sanojen lahjoillaan. Molemmat ovat olleet King's Ministries-palvelutyössä yli 20 vuotta. 

Kuvissa vasemmalta Maarit Savikko ja Caro Keinänen


King's Ministries Initiatives/Co-operations

King's Ministries Initiatives/Co-operations


King's Ministries Initiative for governmental reformation in the Body of Christ in Europe. Restoring back the governmental model and customs of the early Church; co-operation of apostles, prophets and elders (Acts 15 and 16) and the ministry of the Fivefold Offices, apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers to equip the saints for the work of the Gospel, to build up the Body of Christ according Eph. 4:10-16. Until the Lord has His Bride blameless and holy, without any spot or wrinkle.

European Apostolic Summits are Round Table gatherings of apostles, prophets and other five fold offices for Europe. EAS gatheres few times per year to share ministry news and to seek the Lord and to plan the work. If you are interested, please contact paivi.heikkila@kingsministries.fi

European Apostolic Summit is an open ministry connection for building up the living temple of God, Body of Jesus in Europe. There are around 20 ministers serving in collaboration for European nations.  Main function has been organizing national 5FM Conferences in order to encourage and connect those called by the Lord to the Eph. 4.11 offices. EAS also organizes Zoom seminars concerning the 5Fministry and Eph. 4:11-16 + Eph. 5:27 in whole.

Every seminar is organized in 4 different languages; English, Finnish, Italian and German, and are open and free for all understanding and speaking those languages. Seminars consists of different sessions, each one having time also for questions and answers. Please, follow European Apostolic Summit facebook page to find information of each seminar, and of 5FM Gatherings. Also, if you are interested to get a 5FM Gathering in your nation, please contact paivi.heikkila@kingsministries.fi


The Lord called Päivi Heikkilä in 2017 to start Finland Gatherings for the Body of Christ to come together few times per year from all denominations as a family of God to build up the unity and love within the Body, and to seek together Lord's plans for His Church as well as for the nation of Finland. This initiative belongs to the international Gathering - vision and Finland Gathering is in connection with the Global Gathering Family (www.watchmen.org). John Lowndes from Canada is the contact person for the Global connections, as well as Nigel Reid from Ireland. A national team in Finland is leading the work and organizing the gatherings.